The Social Media Takeaway - Louise McDonnell

Referral Marketing Strategies for Business Growth

Louise McDonnell Season 1 Episode 45

In this week's episode of The Social Media Takeaway, I’m delighted to have an old friend on the show, Gill Russel, a business growth strategist. Gill shares her expertise on referral marketing and networking, including how to build effective referral strategies and why networking is a crucial part of growing a business. We also discuss practical tips for creating meaningful connections that drive real results. If you’re looking for actionable advice on how to improve your networking and referral marketing efforts in 2025, you don’t want to miss this episode.

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Louise McDonnell:

Welcome to the Social Media Takeaway. I'm your host, Louise McDonnell. And this is the show for business people who want to know how to use social media as a sales and lead generation tool. If you enjoy the show, please make sure you subscribe. And if you have any friends or business connections that you feel would enjoy the show, Please make sure that you share it with them. So today I'm delighted to be joined by an old friend of mine, Gill Russel. So Gill is a business growth strategist with vast experience using referral network strategies. She empowers business owners to craft a joyful business that works for them. Through tailored growth strategies and established effective referral networks. She is a powerhouse of a lady. She's just been awarded her MBA. And I think that really stood out for me is she is the proud mom of five children who are all entrepreneurs. So that says something to you. And a nan to six wonderful grandchildren. And she loves spending time with her family and her two springer spaniels, Oscar and Polly. You're very welcome, Gill.

Gill Russel:

Ah, it's lovely to be here, Louise. Thank you.

Louise McDonnell:

So maybe tell us a little bit about your journey.

Gill Russel:

So my journey started when I was 18. I had my first business, which was a magazine called Darts International. Where I was the one who got the advertising in and sold the magazines, etc. But really my journey has been through bringing up the five children and finding work, finding businesses that worked around that as they grew older, etc, etc. I've had a range of businesses and I've enjoyed every single one of them. And especially this one I'm in now, as in the, consultancy to help business owners grow. let's say a long career, Louise, let's be, be kind and say a long career.

Louise McDonnell:

So when I hear people, I think there's a lot of people out there with that. When you, when you mentioned the word like referral marketing, I think they do. I actually think they don't know what it means. So somebody here that goes, oh referral marketing, I hear people talking about that and I know what referral means and I know what marketing is but I don't really know what that means. I think sometimes people are kind of scared of it. Can you maybe just shed some light on it?

Gill Russel:

Yes. And I think there will be a number of interpretations. So this is my personal interpretation. So when I'm talking about referral marketing, I'm talking about, making connections with other business owners that can be beneficial both ways. So you're not only taking, but you're there to give. So for an example one of my businesses was, I was a photographer, wedding and portrait photographer business. So it made sense to to find videographers dresses, catering, venue hire, churches, all of that, where you could find out about their business, they could find out about yours, and therefore the referrals would go each way. so when I'm talking about marketing, when you say referral marketing, it's making that strategy where you've got good businesses that you can feed in both ways, that you work together, share the same morals and values and integrity that are right for you. And you find the right people to work with. However, I would say to people, expand on that. So when you've got your, what you would call your natural referral strategy with people that are looking after the same clients of you, or got the same target market of you. you know, look further. Because there's always people in business that know other people. It's not just about that. It's about. Making really good connections long term connections because you never know where that will go, you know, just because somebody's not in your industry does not mean that they can't be a really good referral partner for you.

Louise McDonnell:

So if I'm hearing you right, what you're saying, it's like, I suppose we naturally refer people that we know and we like, but network referral marketing is kind of intentionally growing that beyond just kind of doing it, you know, by the way, it's more kind of having a strategy around it. Would that be right?

Gill Russel:

Yeah, absolutely. and sometimes people don't realize what's right under their nose and they're looking for their ideal client, which is absolutely great. But if they can make a connection with somebody that naturally deals with their ideal client, then that is, a good source of, business. So for example, if we took a wedding photographer, ideal client are the couple. But how do you find that client? Well, actually, if you think of it, if you become the preferred photographer for a wedding venue. and you've got a good relationship with them, then you can become the preferred photographer at that venue. Therefore, you're not always finding the end clients, you're finding somebody that can feedback, and vice versa. Because as a photographer, if you get somebody come to you and you say, Have you got your venue yet? You can go back to them. and also saying that a referral doesn't have to be paid for. Some people might like to do that. They might offer an incentive. For people that maybe an affiliate link, something like that, but really that's up to own business. It can be nothing, it can be paid for, that's up to the individual business owner to work out their strategy.

Louise McDonnell:

Do you see a difference between how people, let's say on this side of the Atlantic, let's say Ireland, UK, how we kind of, you know, would kind of refer other businesses or work with affiliates versus how they may do it the other side of the Atlantic in the States and Canada? Yeah.

Gill Russel:

I think we've all got the same strategies. I think it depends on the individual as to where they have learned their skill. So, for example, I learned it from networking and We passed referrals to each other that's what we did. There was no, there was no incentive to do so. It was what we learned. However, so many business have affiliate links or will pay commissions on that. So it's very much, I think We have the same opportunities, absolutely. I think it just depends on what each individual likes to do.

Louise McDonnell:

And so for somebody who's tuning in here, so any business that's tuning in here today, if they'd have said, decided, okay, like 2025 is just literally around the corner now, and maybe this is something that I haven't thought about enough, or I haven't focused enough, or maybe there's opportunities under my nose that, you I just haven't even contemplated. What advice would you give to them if they wanted to start off creating like an intentional referral marketing strategy for their business?

Gill Russel:

I think the first thing I would do is have a look at your connections. who are your current clients? Yeah. Are there opportunities there to talk to those clients and say, I've got some capacity to take on some more business, assuming that you have you know, I really enjoy working with you. Could you keep me in mind if you come across anybody? I think another simple thing is to pop that you're open for business. Think about who you're doing business with. Don't forget your family. Okay, this is, again, do you know when I said right under your nose, we'll all be celebrating most probably the end of the year, the new year, we'll be seeing old contacts. Make sure that your family and friends understand what you do, understand the value that you're doing. that you give and understand who you'd be looking to introduce to because that is networking that is very basic so when you're looking at your connections look at family and friends look at your current clients look at your social life who you know do you go to the gym who's think about all of that and get that all together and then Think about who is your idle client? Where do these idle clients hang out? Where am I going to find them? And if you're going to go networking I talk about networking from the sense of as soon as you pick up the phone, go on a Zoom, go to the local shop, you're actually networking because you're just having a conversation. You're having a chat. Have a chat and find out about people. So when you've got that together, you're Then think about how you, do you actually connect with these people? Are you keeping in regular connection? Because nobody likes to hear from somebody after six months and then they get an email and say, Oh, I'd love to, love to meet up. And it's all about them. Yeah. start engaging with people. Yeah. You know, if you haven't spoken to somebody for six months, perhaps, you know, send them an email, find out how they are and start those conversations and making those real connections.

Louise McDonnell:

I think this is absolutely super advice for this time of year. And I'm actually going to challenge everybody who's listening in here. Now, I want you to sit down and think about the advice that Gill has just given us there. So she has said, look to your friends and family. Look to your existing clients. Look to people in your network and look to people who you're connected with on social media and reach out to them and make sure that they know what you do and what opportunities you're looking for. And I think a really important point is that you're not necessarily looking for people who are going to be clients. You're just looking for anybody who can introduce you to, maybe they're the connection with the client. Maybe they'll never be a client themselves. Maybe they know somebody, maybe, you know, it's about the power of people really, isn't it?

Gill Russel:

Yeah, it's, it's the power of conversation and conversation is an art and it needs to be practiced. remember, have some really good questions up your sleeve, you know, and ask them about themselves, you know, how are they getting on? Even if they haven't got a business, they will know other business owners because they use businesses, you know, in our everyday life, in our homes, how we travel, we use other business people. So they're the a book that says you're only 66 people away from whoever you want to meet. It's six degrees of separation. And that is so true. That is so true. but you have to be prepared. You have to be able to explain what you do. Let people know that you're open for business and that you can take on somebody else because we can kill each other with kindness. If we don't say to people we've got some, to take on another client, they expect that we're really busy. And they don't want to bother us. So that's killing us with kindness.

Louise McDonnell:

You know, something, somebody, I was at an event last week and it was really funny because I met a lot of people that I had never met in person before. and actually I met people that I had never met but I had met on zoom. So we'd had lots of zooms. Now those people. It was much easier to go up to them and recognize them and shake their, you know, give them a kiss, probably say hello, have a chat. And then the people that you just, I just knew through social media, but that I'd never had a conversation with it was a little bit more difficult because sometimes the profile picture isn't exactly as they look in person and you have to try and make that connection and all of those kinds of kind of things. But, what really occurred to me was that well, social media is amazing. For actually networking, like there's nothing like the in person, like, and even if that in person is a zoom, there is nothing like as you said, the art of conversation.

Gill Russel:

Yeah. And I think it, actually raises all the good chemicals in us and makes us feel better when we've had. a conversation and you know, it's not about selling yourself. It's about being genuinely interested in the other person and what they're doing. And that sticks with people, just having a chat about something. It doesn't have to be business related. It could be you'll find a connection over music or over sport or over your family circumstances. It's often those things that get you connected. with people that you thought you would never be in the same sphere as. And, once you start talking about that, then it's like, ah, and you're memorable. They remember you. if you're sending a LinkedIn message when you've met somebody, you know, you'll agree with this, you know, if you comment about that personal touch that you had at that meeting, then it's always, ah, I remember. Because we talked about that.

Louise McDonnell:

It's so true. It's so true. And so tell me, like I mentioned, I'm integrated, talked about social media just there a little say and a little moment ago, but what do you think in terms of social media in terms of network marketing?

Gill Russel:

well, for me personally, when I'm talking about my business LinkedIn is my favourite, It's where I find the most connection, but with my clients, a lot of them are using Facebook and Instagram and TikTok. so I think, again, it's I need to have knowledge of those. It doesn't necessarily mean I need to use those for my business. I think business owners need to look at where their ideal client is.

Louise McDonnell:

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.

Gill Russel:

it's all about that. I'll give a sweeping statement here, but I will say I work with lots of bookkeepers and accountants and some of those business owners want to deal and want to find their ideal clients in the smaller So they're not going to find them, most probably on LinkedIn, but they may find them on their ideal client may not want to receive an email. They might want to actually somebody who picks up the phone or sends them a WhatsApp. So all of this social media that is available it's absolute gold dust. But. Find somebody like yourself, Louise, who understands all of this so that, as a business owner, we can find the right advice. For us and you know, the wealth of knowledge and expertise that goes with that is invaluable.

Louise McDonnell:

Yeah. Yeah. as I said, yeah, I think that social media is wonderful, but it's only ever the warm up act. You still have to, meet in person or meet a person, you know, face to face, whether that's on zoom or in person, even better again. So what do you think about the people then? Like you're on, I think it's prolific everywhere, but particularly on LinkedIn, you know, you get the, direct message, a connection request and then the hard sell and it's like, Oh my God.

Gill Russel:

I don't like that. I think that's, it's outdated. It doesn't work. I think it, doesn't make people feel good, it just doesn't make people feel good. And yeah, so I'm, no, I'm not a fan of that at all and I wouldn't encourage it.

Louise McDonnell:

No, me neither. Me neither at all. And so tell us you recently became an author. Do you want to tell us about that journey and tell us a little bit about the book?

Gill Russel:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yes, that was definitely on my bucket list to become an author. And it come about because I was invited to join a networking group in the U, well, we're based in the UK, but we have members from globally called BIP100, which stands for business is personal. And it's very much based on business owners that believe in kindness. and believe in paying forward. And so I was invited to uh, here's the little book here their secrets for business growth and we're all Bippers, okay? And it was set up by Penny Power CBE, who for many of you may know eCademy going right the way back. So Penny set up eCademy. So there's 15 authors here, all from very different perspectives. Or from talking to SMEs to larger businesses on all sorts of subjects. So there's a chapter there for somebody. And we had our launch in London. We had people flying in from America and from Sweden To come and see it. So yeah. the proceeds will go to charity. So it's not for, it's not for us. It's for, again, paying it forward.

Louise McDonnell:

Oh, brilliant. So tell me about your chapter in it.

Gill Russel:

So I'm looking at referral marketing and networking and just helping people understand That when you think about networking, find the right network for you. You know that there's so much out there now, online, in person, find the right one for you. If you're lacking confidence, I think it really helps to be prepared. So really prepare, find out what you've got to do and get your questions ready. Have some really good questions up your sleeve. That you can ask, but remember. You're having a conversation. So if you've asked a question, the other person may ask you that question back. So, have your answers ready. And go out and enjoy it and have some fun. And, you know, we're human beings, we need people. you will get opportunities. But more importantly, you will be able to give opportunities to other people too. So it's just really encouraging everybody to to think about what they're doing and think about their business, maybe in a slightly different way. And enjoy it.

Louise McDonnell:

I also think as well, this time of year that, well, I know in my industry, in this sector here, like this time of year is always crazy busy and you know, I really don't like being crazy busy. I think when you're crazy busy you're not being strategic because you're just too busy to be strategic. So I'm looking forward to emerging from the crazy busy and about, you know, A week or so, it'll actually all calm down a bit, but I think that's the time when you know, the dust has settled and it's a little bit quieter to really start thinking strategically about all the advice you've given here. So if people did want to find more about that book, how would they find it, Gill?

Gill Russel:

that's on Amazon. And it's called success secrets for business growth. We reached number one in three categories, so you will be able to find it easily. And then the download for 99p as well, if you didn't want the, the hard copy of the book, but yeah, that's all there for you.

Louise McDonnell:

And you know what? The hard copy would be a lovely gift to give somebody in business or the download for 99p is just a no brainer. You know I have it myself and I look forward to getting through it over the next few weeks. so then you have a free gift for everybody. Do you want to tell us a little bit about that?

Gill Russel:

Yes, so if you go to my website, which is the GillRussellConsultancy. com that's Gill with a G and Russell, R U S S E L just one L on the end. If you go there and you just click on the link and you can get networking top tips. It's a, a seven page PDF that's free for you. That's Some nice easy steps there to help you think about your networking and whatever stage you're at and to make a plan.

Louise McDonnell:

And tell me Gill, so here we are at the end of 2024 looking towards 2025. Any predictions for anything that's going to change? Anything that's happening in the wider environment or more local environment that people maybe mightn't have thought about that maybe could impact them?

Gill Russel:

Well. You know, I'm going to go back to networking again, because I'm seeing some very exciting things coming on board. New ways of networking online. new platforms that are coming. not your traditional, just your Zoom where, you know, you're all in there. There's new platforms that are coming out where you're in break up rooms from the beginning. And there's lots and lots of networking out there for you. And I've got people that are planning some amazing events. So, really, I think we're going to see tremendous business growth next year. I have a good feeling in my tummy, as my mum would say. I really do, because I think that if we could take a little bit of time over the festive period. Not to necessarily work, but to dream and think, what do I actually want? Is my business working for me? Have I got the right work life balance? go out and do some networking because you'll meet some amazing people You'll learn some amazing things You And you'll do some great business, so I would encourage you to put a strategy in place for that.

Louise McDonnell:

I think that's wonderful advice. And I think we're still emerging a little bit from COVID as well. So, you know COVID is gone now and it's time to get networking, whether it's online or in person or get out, get to events, meet people. because I, I, I enjoy the events. So much last week. I was like, this is it now, Louise, you got to put it in your diary and make yourself go. Cause if I was to be critical of myself, it's that I just get too busy. And I never want to be too busy. Cause when you're being too busy, you're not being strategic. That's my name. So Gill, thank you so much for, for coming on and sharing those wonderful tips of advice. I think they were just so timely. Even though it shouldn't matter what time of the year. So if you're tuning into this in six months time, it's still relevant, but I just think with the new year. Nearly or the old year nearly finishing of the new year about to start. I think this is really, really good time. So if you enjoyed this episode and if you're going to implement anything that Gill has recommended, make sure you reach out and find both of us on social media and let us know if they wanted to find you, how they find you on LinkedIn.

Gill Russel:

On LinkedIn, yeah, Gill Russell on LinkedIn and I'd love to connect with you you'll find some top tips on there too, so yeah, let's connect, let's start talking to people and let's get out there and start paying it forward.

Louise McDonnell:

Paying it forward, I love it. Thanks so much, Gill.

Gill Russel:

Thank you, Louise.