The Social Media Takeaway - Louise McDonnell

LinkedIn Strategies for 2025: How to Get Clients & Grow Your Business

Season 1 Episode 52

In this episode of The Social Media Takeaway, I sit down with Joe Apfelbaum, CEO of Ajax Union and LinkedIn marketing expert, to break down the exact steps to help you get noticed, attract the right people, and grow your business on LinkedIn in 2025.

We’ll cover:
✅ The biggest mistake professionals make on LinkedIn—and how to fix it.
✅ Simple tweaks to your profile that make you stand out instantly!
✅ A daily game plan to grow your network and get real business opportunities.
✅ The newest LinkedIn tools that can boost your reach and visibility.
✅ How to post in a way that sparks conversations and builds trust.
✅ Why genuine connections (not just follower counts) drive long-term success.

🚨 Plus, Joe shares insider details about the most awaited LinkedIn Influencer Summit — a must-attend event if you want to stay ahead on LinkedIn this 2025!

If you’re ready to stop being invisible on LinkedIn and start making real connections that lead to opportunities, this episode is for you. 🎧 Press play now!

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:34 Meet Joe Apfelbaum: LinkedIn Expert
01:19 Why LinkedIn is Essential for Business
01:49 Getting Started on LinkedIn
06:06 Building Your LinkedIn Network
08:49 Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
12:01 Leveraging LinkedIn Features
13:41 Effective LinkedIn Posting Strategies
21:34 LinkedIn Influencer Summit 2025
26:50 Final Takeaways & Closing Thoughts

Connect with Joe Apfelbaum:

See you at the LinkedIn Influencer Summit 2025 this February 19th, where industry leaders will share actionable strategies.
Register Here!

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Louise McDonnell:

Welcome to the social media takeaway. I'm your host, Louise McDonnell, and this is the show for business people who want to learn how to use social media to drive consistent sales and leads for their business. If you enjoy the show, please make sure that you subscribe and give us a nice five star review. So today I am absolutely delighted to be joined by Joe Apfelbaum. He is the CEO and founder of the B2B digital marketing agency, Ajax union. He is the founder of EV AI. He is a professional speaker, AI automation creator, prompt engineer. LinkedIn strategist, marketing expert, and business mentor. And he is so well known for his expertise in LinkedIn marketing, social selling, and business growth. You're very welcome, Joe.

Joe Apfelbaum:

Thank you so much for having me here. I'm really excited to be here. And I love being able to share strategies about how to grow on LinkedIn.

Louise McDonnell:

Fantastic. We're going to be talking about how you can use LinkedIn to grow your business in 2025. So Joe, what's changed, what's new, what do people need to do now to really focus their attention? Because I know there's lots of people listening in there that first of all may not really realize how fantastic LinkedIn is as a place to do business. There are other people who are on the outside looking in and they just don't know where to begin. There are other people that are busy on LinkedIn, but they're not getting any results. So let's start at the very beginning. First question, why should you pay attention to LinkedIn if you're not?

Joe Apfelbaum:

The reason why you need to pay attention to LinkedIn, because LinkedIn has a billion people on it in 200 countries around the world. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network, period. There's no network that is bigger than LinkedIn when it comes to being a professional social network. And so if you want to go where the people are, where the people are going to want to do business with you, and the people are going to want to network with you, if you're into going to conferences, trade shows, networking, seminars, that's what LinkedIn's about. Facebook is great. Me and you, Louise, we're connected on Facebook. But On LinkedIn, that's where the business happens. So if you're looking for business networking, if you're looking for business growth, if you're looking for clients, if you're looking for networking, prospecting, marketing, you need to pay attention to LinkedIn. And such few people are really paying attention to LinkedIn out of the 8 billion people in the world. There's only a billion people on it. You might think, Oh, a billion's a lot. Well, there are 3 billion people on Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp , on the META platform 3 billion people on that. And only a third of them are really on LinkedIn. And LinkedIn's gonna grow to have 3 billion people on it over the course of the next 5 years. That's what Microsoft, the CEO of LinkedIn announced, that they're trying to get to 3 billion users. That's what they're working hard to do. And LinkedIn changed a lot. A lot of people that have been using LinkedIn, they've been using LinkedIn since before Caller ID. And by the way, I don't know this, and you probably know this because you teach LinkedIn, LinkedIn is Caller ID. That's what LinkedIn is for me. Like, if somebody Googles me, what's the first thing that'll usually come up on Google, usually in the top three results for almost any person, is LinkedIn. If they have a LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn ranks really high on Google. If somebody searches for you, you don't know that they searched for you. But if somebody clicks on your LinkedIn profile, because they searched for you, it'll say that they came through search. It'll show you who looked at your profile. Their first name, their last name. But that's all you see when somebody calls you with the caller ID. You usually see their phone number. Sometimes you see first and last name. On LinkedIn, you see their first name, last name, company name, where they work, where they worked before, where they went to school, all your mutual connections, all their license certifications and languages, and everything else that you can think of, including their underwear size sometimes, if they're a model.

Louise McDonnell:

You know, you're dead right. Like, I love LinkedIn for that reason. I'm like, and when you're on LinkedIn, you're there to do business. You're not there for any other reason. Obviously, you're building relationships. To do business, but people are there in there with their business hat on. So if you're in business, if you're B2B, absolutely, you need to be there. If you're B2C, you need to be there too.

Joe Apfelbaum:

Yeah. And someone looked at my profile and I might say, Hey, thanks for checking out my profile. And if any specific, uh, anything specific you're looking for, think about that. Wouldn't you do that if somebody entered your house? My LinkedIn is like my house. It's like my office. It's like my business. I don't even have an office anymore. I have a virtual office called LinkedIn. You want to get me? Come to LinkedIn. My cell phone number is there. You can reach me. Knock on my door. I can comment on my posts. I love looking at your posts. And most people are just not even posting on LinkedIn. And we can talk more about what to do on LinkedIn to get clients. But, you know, the idea is LinkedIn is a place that has an embedded audience. On your website, you don't have an embedded audience on your website. You have to go and market your website to get people to come to your website. No one's naturally coming to your website. But people are hanging on LinkedIn anyway. It's the conference where people are anyway. So if I see that you posted your social media news weekly thing about manifestation, hypnosis, reprogramming your mind for success, and whatever else you're doing there, I'm gonna go ahead and leave you a comment. And when I comment, I'm going to also mention you. And when I mention you, you're going to get a notification that I left you a comment and mentioned your name. How cool is that?

Louise McDonnell:

Brilliant. Okay. So now we've answered that first question. Why you should pay attention to LinkedIn. Second question I want to talk to you about is for those people who are listening in, who are feel like they're on the outside looking in and they just don't even know where to start with LinkedIn. What advice do you give them?

Joe Apfelbaum:

For people looking on the outside looking in that don't even know where to start, what I tell them to do on LinkedIn is just log in on a daily basis for 15 minutes a day. Start by adding new relationships to your account. LinkedIn is the only platform where you can find your ideal target market, whether it's a CEO, whether it's a HR manager, whether it's a speaker, an author, a podcast host, whoever you're looking for on LinkedIn, you can find them by using the search. And when you find them by using the search, you just hit the connect button. Now, the crazy thing about LinkedIn that you don't get with any other platform is that with LinkedIn, whenever you connect with somebody, they automatically become your follower. You send somebody a connection request, they accept it. Now you have a new follower on Facebook. You can only have 5, 000 friends. However, on LinkedIn, you can have 30, 000 connections that Is one of the craziest hacks online. Why is it a crazy hack? Because everybody wants to become a influencer, but few people know that on LinkedIn, you can become an influencer by just adding a thousand connections. And now you have a thousand people following you. That is the most insane hack ever. So if you're getting started, ask yourself, do you have a thousand people that are following you on LinkedIn? If not, you can do that in 90 days. And the right 1, 000 people will help you generate a million dollars in revenue in your business and hopefully 100, 000 in profit. So I tell people, if you're not generating 100, 000 in profit from your network, you're not doing networking correctly. Everyone should be able to minimum generate at least 100, 000 in profit from their network. If you're not doing that, you're really missing out. So I highly recommend that people start logging in every day and send 20 connection requests out per day and build your network. Now there are three other things you can do every day on LinkedIn to be successful, and we can get into those, but at a minimum, if you're not sure where to start, start by logging in and spend time on the platform. And if you watch some of my lives, I literally go live every single day on LinkedIn and I share insights. And I share ideas and I share strategies to help people be able to grow on LinkedIn.

Louise McDonnell:

I love that. So it's so true. Like you should be controlling who you connect with. You should be really super clear who it is you want to connect with. And then you don't just sit there and wait for them to connect with you. You go after the people, you send them connection requests. Number one. Okay. What other strategies would you, obviously the other thing I was just going to say as well, Joe, like. You really have to have your profile optimized in my opinion, before you should do that, because if your profile isn't optimized, if people don't understand what you do and who you serve and what you can do for them, when they check you out, they may not accept your connection requests. So for me, yeah, super important login and get into that habit. Of being there every single day, but make sure that you're there and that you're putting your right foot forward. What do you think about

Joe Apfelbaum:

that? I agree a hundred percent, and LinkedIn is continuously optimizing what you can do on your profile. So let me give you an example. On my profile right now, I just added a slideshow. As a banner, you probably noticed that already. If you go to my profile, you'll notice that I have five banners instead of one banner. That means I can tell the story about Evie AI, I can tell the story about my book, I can tell the story about my WhatsApp group, I can tell the story about the selfies that I take with people and the events and posting parties. You sit in my profile, you're gonna see that I have five banners on my profile. Now, if you can't see the five banners, if you can't see the slideshow, that means you don't have access to the feature yet. They're rolling it out to everyone, and I'm not 100 percent sure that they gave everyone access to it, but I didn't have the feature a month ago, and Tammy did, and now I just got the feature, and many of my clients, I'm checking in with them to see if they have the feature yet, and they have the feature already. So, I think they're, they're continuously rolling it out. I'm curious to know, Louise, if you got the feature yet.

Louise McDonnell:

No, I'm jealously looking on so, no, I don't, I can see that you have it, so when I go to your profile I can see the slideshow, but I cannot see that I have it, so I've checked.

Joe Apfelbaum:

I checked also and it didn't say I had it, but if you went in to upload a new banner, you'll see a little yellow tag on the top right corner that says create slideshow. So go to your banner, open it up, click the pencil inside your banner, then act as if you're gonna upload a new one. Then when you're about to upload a new one, it might have a yellow tag on the top right corner. If it's not there, it's not there.

Louise McDonnell:

I don't have it.

Joe Apfelbaum:

Ah, that sucks.

Louise McDonnell:

I will keep an eye.

Joe Apfelbaum:

Yeah, but just check out that little tag to see if it appears. Just make believe you want to upload a new banner and then see what happens.

Louise McDonnell:

So yeah, no, I don't have it yet. So I just watch jealously to the other people who have, but I'm sure I will. So, okay. You're saying that in order to obviously to optimize your profile, they're giving us all these new features to help us optimize our profile. So anything more on that that people should be focusing on Joe?

Joe Apfelbaum:

Yeah. I think a lot of people that especially coaches and consultants, if you have a services page and I know you have one, most people have not added content. Reviews, photos and videos to their services page. And then maybe that's homework for you to do because it's really easy for you to edit your services page and make it look really good. So definitely do that. Also, most people don't have enough recommendations on LinkedIn. So getting recommendations, my goal is to have a thousand recommendations. So maybe after this podcast, you'll be like, damn, you're a good guest. I should leave you a recommendation on LinkedIn. Hint, hint, hint. And I'm going to leave you one as well as a great host. And so you do that, and you end up getting more recommendation. My goal is to get one, at least one once a month, because that adds a lot of value. And then, what's trending right now, is LinkedIn added a new feature called the , the doom scrolling feature on your mobile phone, where you can swipe up and see video after video after video inside the video tab on the mobile phone. You'll see on the bottom there's like a little video button. You push video and you can swipe up, swipe up, swipe up. So doing those short one minute videos can be extremely, extremely useful. And it's really easy to upload a video on LinkedIn. You just go to the LinkedIn homepage. You click on start a new post. And then on the bottom you can select media. And then you just add your media. So you find a video that you have that you really like. So for example, I have, I go on live very often. And then I have AI take my live videos and turn them into little clips. And those little clips, I'll often find a little clip. And then boom, I click on the little clip and then it just uploads a little clip. And then there you go. And I now have a tiny little clip of, let's say a minute long in the format of like Instagram. So an example of that would be like a question that maybe your target market might ask is do you need a paid account? So I'll have a little clip. Do you need a paid LinkedIn account in order for Evi AI to work well? So, and then I just go into it and I have like a little, a cute little video that says, do you need a paid paid account? Actually, you don't need a paid account, but if you did have a paid account, these would be the benefits. And so it's really easy for me to be able to. Find a video that I have already, and then I can use a tool like Evie AI that will help me write up my post for you. Um, so that's, that's the idea. The idea is using technologies and tools that will save you a ton of time. Um, and then if you want to know the best types of posts to post on LinkedIn, we actually have a whole group of influencers coming to the LinkedIn Influencer Summit on February 19th. That are going to be able to share all their thoughts around that. But just the idea is like, people are afraid to post. I don't know if you know this, but most people are afraid to post. I went on sales navigator and on sales navigator, there's a little feature that you click on that tells you who posted in the past 30 days. So I looked at the entire LinkedIn set of all 1 billion people. And I said, just show me who posted in the past and the past 30 days. And it loaded 15 million people in the results. So out of the 1 billion people, 15 million, only 15 million total posted in the past 30 days, and most of them posted wrong because they added a link to their profile, so it's never going to show up on the feed. They say there's about a million posts going up a day, from those 15 million people. From, from a small percentage of those 15 million people, a million posts go up a day. And so if a million posts go up a day, and 90 percent of them are garbage, because either they're not well optimized, or they don't have a link, they don't have a hook, they don't have main points, they don't have a call to action, they don't have the right hashtags, and as a result, they're not gonna show up on the feed, no one's ever gonna see it, they don't get engagement, like most posts on LinkedIn have no likes and comments. And so as a result, they're never going to get seen. So you knowing how to do these things and using tools like Evie AI or coming to the influencer summit. We'll give you a competitive edge to make sure that when you do post on LinkedIn, you post the right way, in the right format, without screwing up with the algorithm. But also, you'll be able to have more people find you. That's the key.

Louise McDonnell:

And come here, tell us you say not to put a link in a post on LinkedIn. And what about if you put a link in the comments underneath your post? Does that still upset the algorithm?

Joe Apfelbaum:

If you put a link underneath your own post, that doesn't upset the algorithm. Some people say that if you're the first person to comment, LinkedIn doesn't like that. But I don't think that's true. I don't think that's true, because I spoke to an engineer, and he told me that any type of comment that you leave on your post is considered engagement. Obviously, if somebody else inside your network leaves a comment, then their followers will see it more, rather than you leaving a comment on your own post, only your followers will see that. But ultimately, it's good to get engagement, and don't worry so much about trying to go viral. Going viral is not the key on LinkedIn. I had a post that went absolutely viral. 5, 000 people saw the post. 5, 000 people liked the post.

Louise McDonnell:

How many people saw it? More than 5,

Joe Apfelbaum:

000? Initially, 5, 000 people saw it.

Louise McDonnell:


Joe Apfelbaum:

Initially, then 5, 000 people liked it. And then 2. 1 million people saw it.

Louise McDonnell:

There you go.

Joe Apfelbaum:

That's what ended up happening. And then a bunch, like 400 people reposted it. It was just, it went absolutely viral. Absolutely viral. So, what I tell people is Think about people that pay pay attention. So getting a premium account I think is important, especially in the world of digital marketing and networking. Having the right tools can really make a difference in a premium account on platforms like LinkedIn. Isn't just like a shiny badge. It's a gold badge. So it's actually shiny, but it isn't just a shiny badge. It's a gateway to opportunities that can elevate your professional game by showing people that. You take this seriously, that you're a serious person. When I see somebody that has a gold badge on their profile right away, I'm like, okay, I'm, I'm taking this person seriously. They're paying for this. They, I believe that it's a little bit more valuable. And also there's ability to send direct messages to people outside your network. I have a webinar. If you go to evie. ai. com slash webinar dash replay, you will find a webinar that's 90 minutes long and this replay is not available forever. So if you go watch it, you'll benefit right now because we always replace the replays to the next webinar. But that specific webinar is I show you how I message somebody on the webinar using LinkedIn sales navigator within five minutes, the guy replied. I asked him what his cell phone number was. He sent me his cell phone number during the webinar. And then I asked the people in the webinar, should I call him? And I called him during the webinar and everybody listened in to the call. And I had a ten minute conversation with a guy I never met before from scratch because I had premium sales navigator. And the guy said he's interested in my services. That was, I did that on a ninety minute webinar and I taught a lot of other things and did a lot of training, but that happened. And I have proof of that. People are like, oh, it doesn't work. InMail doesn't work. No, no, the way you do InMail doesn't work. With your shitty ass strategy, that doesn't work. But if you use Evie AI, and you use my strategies that I teach, I show you how I do it, and I show you how it works.

Louise McDonnell:

Okay, Joe, somebody's gonna send an InMail to somebody that they don't know today. What strategies should they follow?

Joe Apfelbaum:

The number one strategy is create curiosity from the person. Make sure that who you're speaking to, you understand that they have a specific need in mind. Everybody has a pain in mind. What is the pain that the person has in their head that you can help them solve? What is the pain that you can solve? For each person on LinkedIn, everybody has a pain, but the pain of your target market is different than the pain of my target market. We have different target markets. So identifying what is the pain of the target market. And then getting really, really clear on one of those pains, and through our frameworks, checklists, cheat sheets, scripts, and strategies, we teach you how to be able to find their pain. So if I know that I'm prospecting someone specific, and then what I do is, I go ahead, and I make sure that I understand what their pain is. And then I take their pain, and I speak to their pain using curiosity tactics, they're much more likely to want to respond to my message. Because I know what their pain is. Alex Ramosi said, When you know the pain of your target market better than they do, they're much more likely to do business with you. And that is such a huge competitive advantage. To understand the pain of your target market. It's such a huge competitive advantage to really be able to focus in and hone in on that pain. And once you understand the pain of your target market, and you build those relationships with your target market in that way, that now they know that you know what you're talking about. Now they know that you're not just a shiny, a shiny object. Now they know that you are actually considering them thinking about them. And that you actually care about them. People don't, I think it was Zig Ziglar that said this, he said, People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. So, think about, or it could have been Jim Rohn or something like that. But, bottom line is, somebody, some sales trainer said that. And what I believe is, that people need to know that you actually care about them. That you're actually paying attention to them. That you're not spamming them. Is spam unsolicited in mails? No. Spam is not unsolicited in mails. Spam is unrelated, irrelevant, in mails, emails, phone calls, SMS's. If I'm just spraying and praying, I'm spamming. Love that. It's not relevant. The person, if someone comes to you and sends you a message that you know was not meant for you, and they were just spraying it all over the place, how would you feel? Special? I don't think so. But if I sent you a message and I said, I love the Irish people, I love them so much. I love their accent. I love the way they say Mac Donald. And I sent you that message. It could be, I could have sent that message to a thousand McDonnell's. In, , Ireland, but each one of them will know that I'm talking to that McDonnell. So you could use, you can use ways to speak to many people where each one of them feel like you're only talking to them. Think about that.

Louise McDonnell:

That's very, very clever. Come here and tell us about the LinkedIn Influencer Summit taking place on the 19th of February at 2 p. m.

Joe Apfelbaum:

So, every single year, me and a fellow JVMM member, SD Star, get together and we have something called the LinkedIn Influencer Summit. The way that I learn all the strategies for influence on LinkedIn is I interview the top people of LinkedIn. Now, these are all people that have LinkedIn programs and these are people that are mastering LinkedIn and that they're using LinkedIn to monetize. So for example, we have AJ Wilcox who created a course on LinkedIn learning on how to do LinkedIn ads. And he's an expert on ads and organic. We have Deanna Russo who's successful networking on LinkedIn, building a sustainable strategy to leverage your LinkedIn using the leverage up triangle. Derek Mildred, a client of mine who is building relationships with influencers and insights from curating LinkedIn's top voices for five years. He's been curating all the top voices to analyze them. Jasmine Alec, who's been. Checking out the secrets of consistency and creating high impact posts. His posts on average all get over a thousand likes and over a thousand comments each. Jesse Van Brugel. If you take a look at his posts, he's a LinkedIn thought leader and he really breaks down LinkedIn profiles and LinkedIn posts and best practices. We have Louise McDonnell, the five steps to growing and engage in profitable LinkedIn following. She really knows what time it is. And then we have Richard van der Blum, who's mastering the LinkedIn algorithm. He's been studying the LinkedIn algorithm for 20 years. And every year he comes up with a 128 page LinkedIn algorithm report. You're going to want to hear his update. He was on the LinkedIn Influencer Summit a couple years ago. And now he's back. We bring back some influencers, but we've had some mega influencers over the past seven years that have hundreds of thousands of followers on LinkedIn. And then we've had ones that only have thousands of followers. But the key is, they're learning how to use LinkedIn to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit for their clients. And doing that successfully, for many, many years, over and over and over, they know something. So whether it's Alex Sheridan or Shea Robotim or Mac Laubscher or Ivana Torlik or, or Alex Mike Weiss or Harrison Cantel or, Rhonda Scher, We've had so many incredible people that we brought through our doors over the past several years. And that's how I learn. I don't learn because I'm so smart. I learn because I learn from other people that are smarter than me. And if you want to learn, go to influencersummit2025. com There's no fee to show up live. There's absolutely no fee. Come, show up live, attend for three hours. It's going to be an incredible event. February 19th, 2 to 5 p. m. Eastern. Save your spot now. We have about a thousand people that usually show up live throughout the three hours. So that's just incredible to have so many people there that want to learn and everybody gets a ton, a ton, a ton, a ton of value. So if you want to show up, make sure to come on February 19th, put it in your calendar, show up, and you won't regret it. It's gonna be one of the best, it's literally the best LinkedIn event of the year. That teaches you all the things you need to do in order to be successful in 2025.

Louise McDonnell:

And so this podcast is going to be going out the week before that event. So if you're tuning in the week before or just before the 19th, make sure you register. But if you happen to be tuning in afterwards, you can still pay for the recording, can't you, Joe?

Joe Apfelbaum:

Yes, you can still pay for the recordings and there'll be a link below. If you go to influencersummit2025. com, you can still pay for the recordings. However, we are running a special. That if anybody buys Evie AI Pro, which is our pro version of Evie AI, the bundle, then you also get not only 10, 000 worth of LinkedIn training. We have a LinkedIn training program called the Evergreen networking system where we teach people how to generate 100, 000 a year from LinkedIn using our tactics and strategies. And we have 52 different clever strategies that we teach you step by step, how to be able to create a plan. How to pick the right target market. How to build the right messaging. How to make sure that you have the right stories that you tell. We basically walk you through step by step how to be able to generate revenue from LinkedIn consistently. Like Sammy, he generated 40, 000 in revenue in 30 days. And like Tina Larson, who generated, who 5X'd her business over the course of a year. Or Mark Sheridan, who's a fractional integrator. He could, right away, as soon as he signed up, he's like, Oh, I could project over 100, 000 in revenue this year from what I learned in the Evergreen Networking System. And so we show people step by step how to do this. And we charge 10, 000 for the program, but for just a few hundred dollars a year, you get access to Evi AI pro plus the evergreen networking system. Plus you'll get access to the recordings of the Influencer Summit, but not just this year's recordings, every year's recordings for the past seven years. So that'll be a bonus. And Louise will be an affiliate and she'll get a commission for anyone that signs up. So make sure to use her link or mention her when you buy it.

Louise McDonnell:

Fantastic. Joe, thank you so much for sharing all these amazing nuggets. I can't wait to get the show notes and go through them and pick out all the pieces of advice. Thanks for coming on the show. Thanks for sharing all your advice so freely. And I look forward to presenting with you at the LinkedIn Influencer Summit on February 19th.

Joe Apfelbaum:

I'm so excited as well. And I want to encourage people that if you're not sure what to do on LinkedIn, show up at the event, you're going to learn exactly step by step what to do. And you're going to learn how to find people when they're changing their jobs, when they're changing their anniversaries, when they're doing their LinkedIn birthdays, when what events are happening on LinkedIn, you're going to learn about notifications. You're going to learn about sales navigator. You're going to learn about. How to deal with recent connections, and recent followers, and your social selling score, and how to improve it, and how to use hashtags, and how to manage who viewed your profile, and what to do with it, and so many different hacks. You're going to learn very, very quickly. It might get overwhelming for some of you, but we'll give you a workflow. A daily workflow for exactly what to do every single day. on LinkedIn to be successful. So if you want to, if you want to be able to be more successful, now's the time for you to register. And also, if you do register, tell your friends about it as well. Tell your friends that you're coming. They say that when you give somebody advice, or you give somebody an idea, or you give somebody an invitation to something, and here would be all three, advice, idea, and invitation, they will attribute all the things they learned to the person that told them about the idea, the advice, or the invitation. So you're actually doing your entire network a favor by inviting them and I recommend you personally invite people and say, Hey, I'm going to this event, especially if they're a prospect of yours because they will thank you. And then later you can follow up with them and say, Hey, how was the event? And you get on a call with them and potentially turn them into a client. It's a great way for you to get clients. I wanted to drop one more nugget there before we go, because this is one of the most, most effective ways to get in the door with people is not to sell them things. But to inspire them to take action and do things that will help them in their business. And if you do that, they will buy from you happily. People hate to be sold, but they love to buy.

Louise McDonnell:

Fantastic. Fantastic. Thanks so much, Joe. And inspiration.